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DIY Carpet Cleaning VS. Professional Carpet Cleaning: Which is Best? | New Way Carpet Cleaning & Restoration

August 18, 20239 min read

Cleaning your carpets is an essential, but tedious, aspect of home maintenance. Did you know it’s recommended to clean them every 12-18 months? (Sometimes more often if you have pets or a larger family.) We know we have to get it taken care of, but where do we start? It can be tempting to buy our own carpet cleaning equipment, but can we spare the money and energy it requires? We may consider getting it done professionally, but what's involved?

In this post, we'll be going over everything you need to know about the pros and cons of both options. Get ready to learn the ins and outs of carpet maintenance! (We know how exciting that sounds.)

woman cleaning her carpets at home and professional cleaning carpets of client

Which is better, DIY carpet cleaning or professional carpet cleaning? Let's look at the benefits and concerns of each option!

DIY Carpet Cleaning: What You Need to Know

DIY carpet cleaning involves buying or renting carpet cleaning equipment and using those to clean your own carpets. If you’re new to the concept or just moved into a home with carpets for the first time, it can be overwhelming to start! We’ve put together a list of the products you’d need to get started deep cleaning your carpets.

“What do I need to clean my carpets?”

  • A carpet steamer (Could cost anywhere from $300-$500 for a home-use steamer. Or starting at $20 a day to rent the equipment.)

  • Carpet cleaning shampoo (Could be anywhere around $20.)

  • Pre-Treatment for stains and discolored areas ($10 to $30 depending on your product of choice.)

  • Gloves ($5)

  • Vacuum cleaner (If you don't already have one at home, it could cost around $150- $400.)

  • A free day

You've got your supplies, and this article shows you how to use them. Now that you know where to start, let’s get into some of the pros and cons of the DIY approach to carpet cleaning.

Pros of DIY Carpet Cleaning:

1. It Can Be More Cost Effective

Sometimes we just don’t have the budget to hire a professional for the job. The DIY approach can be cheaper upfront if you choose your products to match your budget. If you're only planning on cleaning a small area with little traffic, renting equipment might be the cheapest option.

2. You Have Control

Your family might need to be more picky about the products used in your home. Cleaning your own carpets means you can choose the cleaning solutions you prefer. 

3. You Can Take Your Time

If you have the time to spare on cleaning your own carpets, you can choose to do it at your own pace. You can take one room at a time and finish the project in your own timeframe. If you’d prefer to take a week and do it slowly, you have that option with the DIY approach.

Ok, so DIY carpet cleaning is looking pretty good so far! You can save money and have more control over the products and timeframe of the project. With those pros in mind though, let’s look at some of the realistic cons of doing it yourself.

woman using equipment to clean her carpets at home

Cons of DIY Carpet Cleaning:

1. It's Not As Effective

Unfortunately, using equipment that isn’t professional grade won’t deliver the same results. So while the cost can be cheaper upfront, in the long run, you might end up having to clean your carpets more often. If you do invest in better equipment, the price adds up! Sometimes it can be more cost-effective to hire a professional to do the job thoroughly.

2. Risk of Damaging Your Carpets

The majority of us aren’t experts on what cleaning solution and techniques we should use for different types of carpets. We’re doing to run to the store and try to find something that looks like it’ll get the job done! The danger is that you could end up doing more harm than good to your carpets. Some carpets require unique treatments to avoid damaging the fibers.

3. It's Time (and Energy) Consuming

If you have the time it takes to clean your own carpets, it’s one thing. If you have the time and energy required, you deserve a pat on the back. Cleaning your own carpets can be a tiring project. Before you know it, you’ve spent your whole weekend bent over, moving a steamer back and forth through your entire space.

There are some major cons that come with cleaning your carpets yourself. You could end up spending more money than you were hoping to at the risk of doing damage to your carpets. On top of that, it can be a serious time and energy commitment. You may be willing to risk it, though! Now that you know what’s involved in the DIY approach, let’s get into the pros and cons of hiring professionals.

Hiring Professional Carpet Cleaners: What's Involved?

Professional carpet cleaners can usually clean both residential and commercial carpets. They specialize in deep cleaning carpets and removing built-up dirt and stains. If you have high-traffic carpets, they’ll remove discoloration with specialized cleaning equipment. 

It can be tough to determine if a professional cleaning is necessary for you, and who you should call. Let’s go over some pros and cons of hiring a carpet cleaner to help you decide if it’s the right move for you!

Pros of Hiring a Professional Carpet Cleaner:

1. They Have The Expertise

They call them professionals for a reason! They’re paid to know the best products and techniques to use on your carpets. Professional equipment is more heavy-duty than store-bought steamers and shampoos. All the stains and discoloration you can’t seem to scrub out can be fixed by a professional in just one appointment. 

2. You'll Get Guaranteed Results

Cleaners want you to be satisfied with their work. When you hire a professional you’re not just paying for the equipment. You’re paying for the confidence that the job will be done right.

3. They'll Save You Time And Energy

Since the professionals use high-quality equipment, you may not have to get it done as often as you would have to DIY. The results will last longer, saving you time and money in the long term. You also won’t have to spend the little free time you have deep cleaning your carpets. They can be done in an afternoon and be out of your hair. A DIY carpet cleaning session can leave you exhausted for days.

Hiring a professional cleaner is a pretty great option if you have the budget for it. Depending on where you live, there might be companies offering competitive pricing. Even if you feel like it’s not worth the extra cash, you might be surprised at the deals you can find if you do some research. But there are bound to be some cons of calling the professionals. What else should you know?

professional carpet cleaner using carpet steamer to clean client carpets

Cons of Hiring a Professional Carpet Cleaner:

1. It May Not Be Within Your Budget

So you’ve done your research, and called all the companies in your area looking for an affordable option. You may live in an area with only a couple of options for cleaning companies. After doing the math, DIY is the only option within your price range.

2. Scheduling Requirements

You can usually schedule a carpet cleaner for a time that works for you. But you’ll still need to work around someone else’s schedule. Depending on where you live and the company you choose, you could have even less flexibility with scheduling. If you have your own equipment, you can choose when to start and finish your cleaning project.

3. You'll Have Limited Control

Cleaning companies will let you know what solutions they use if you’re concerned about the ingredients. Most of them actually use eco-safe products to begin with! Like we said before though, some of us need to be extra picky with the cleaning products we bring into the home. If that’s a major concern for your family, you might benefit from discussing this with cleaning companies in the area. They’ll be able to tell you what products they offer, and if they meet your needs.

Hiring a professional isn’t always within reach for everyone. If you have the budget for it, it’s definitely the more logical way to go. If you end up DIYing your carpet cleaning, there can be some benefits to having your own equipment! If you have messy pets or high-traffic carpets, you can clean your carpets more frequently without hiring someone every time.

What Should I Do Next?

There are definite benefits to either option and some cons to consider as well. When making your decision you might ask yourself these questions:

list of questions to decide whether you should hire a professional carpet cleaner

• “How big is the area that needs to be cleaned?”

If the area is large, it could take more time than you're willing to spend to do it by yourself. If it’s small enough, it might actually be cheaper to get it done professionally rather than buy equipment. You can ask for an estimate from the cleaners you call to help you do determine how much either option would cost.

• “If you buy carpet cleaning equipment, how often will you use it?”

If you have messy pets or a large family, you might get a lot of use out of a carpet cleaner. You may need to clean your carpets more frequently, which could make it cost-effective to have your own supplies. 

If this is the case, you could also consider hiring a professional to deep clean the carpets every 18 months or so. This could help prolong the life of your store-bought equipment as well as your carpets.

• “How much time do you have to dedicate to cleaning your carpets?”

If you have a busy schedule with little free time, this is a big determining factor. Can you dedicate the time needed for the project and still manage your other household chores? Will it take up too much of your free time and leave you exhausted?

• “Is your carpet very stained, discolored, or caked in built-up dirt or pet hair?”

Depending on your circumstances, it might be the obvious choice to just let the pros handle it. Maybe you’ve just moved into a home with carpets that haven’t been properly cleaned in years. Your decision could come down to the condition of the carpets.

Now It's Up to You!

Whether the pros of hiring a professional outweigh the cons is up to you! Like we said before, your family might benefit from a hybrid of the two. You might hire a professional for the big jobs or the deeper cleanings once a year and do the rest yourself.

Clean carpets make a huge difference when it comes to how clean your home feels. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming knowing where to begin. We hope this gave you enough of a head start to make a decision that will be best for your family!

For more articles from carpet cleaning experts, you can check out the blog section of our website! 

If you’re looking for experienced carpet cleaning professionals, feel free give New Way Carpet Cleaning & Restoration a call! Our trained technicians use the highest quality equipment to deliver the best possible results. You can trust us to tackle the toughest jobs with tried and true methods. Call us at (304) 902-2687 for a free estimate!

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